Chai Epice Urban Outfitters: Update


Hi everyone! I have been very very busy preparing for Chai Month in October. I am launching something that is going to be amazing, so stay tuned for that! All I can say is, if you love chai, you’re gonna need this. I also have some very special posts going up next month as well that I’ve been hard at work on.

I haven’t posted in a minute, but I will be putting up a chai ice cream recipe next, so look out for that.

I wanted to hop on here, since I posted my 10 Things Every Chai Lover Needs (2019), I’ve gotten so many emails and dms asking about Urban Outfitters Chai Spice Perfume, and many of you are missing it and asking I’ve found any dupes.

Urban seems to have discontinued the perfume unfortunately, and I will straight up tell you I haven’t found any dupes yet. HOWEVER, I have some good news for you fans.

At the time of writing this, there are VERY limited quantities left, but there are a couple resellers on Amazon that are selling the perfume still. Because it is discontinued, they did mark it up, but if you are a big fan of the scent you can still purchase here: .

The good news is, when I was walking through UO the other day, I saw that they are now selling candles with the exact same chai spice scent!

As someone who owns the perfume, and smelled the candle in-person, I can confirm this is exactly the same. If you love the perfume, run to your local Urban Outfitters to grab this, or you can also buy it online.

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