Review: The Reluctant Trading Experiment Loose Leaf Masala Chai


My mind is blown. I don’t even know where to start with this one, I’ve been putting off this review for a while because I just couldn’t figure out how to put it into words. This is my favorite chai EVER, I love it as much as life itself. It’s the real deal. Prepare yourselves, your life is about to be changed forever. But before I get into this, we got to start from the beginning.

I came across The Reluctant Trading Experiment through good old Google search, and boy am I glad I did!! I actually first stumbled upon their blog (which is great by the way) and the found out they sell chai on their online store. Their story is pretty cool too.

They started off selling pepper, then salt, then expanded to spices and, well— masala chai. They have a partner in India that scouts the countryside for the best spices for Reluctant Trading Experiment to sell. They sell their spices online, as well as to chefs in various respected restaurants across the U.S. Their chai, developed by an award-winning chef, is what sold me on their brand.

Their loose leaf masala chai has been named “The Best Chai You Can Buy” by Bon Appetit and Food & Wine. They sell it at their incredibly popular Bollywood Theater eatery in Portland, Oregon. This chai is made in India with whole, fresh spices and shipped directly from there to them (the freshness is r e a l ). They claim that their chai is as close as an authentic Indian street chai as possible.

Now that you know the backstory, let’s get to the good stuff. The packaging is pretty cool, they send their chai in 3 different size options: a 3oz tube, 8oz tube, or 16 oz tube. I have now bought 2 of the 8oz tubes (one from before I started this site, and then one the other week when I ran out of the first one LOL). The 8oz tubes make about 25 cups and sells online for $25. It comes in a cardboard tube, with a simple but pretty label, giving a little background info about the chai you’re about to consume, as well as simple instructions.

The moment you open the bag of spices the aroma hits you, and it is the best thing ever. I so badly wish I could bottle it up or make it into a candle. Just by looking at the spices you can tell that it’s top-notch quality, it’s not a fine or powdery consistency but it’s roughly chopped up bits that just look real and fresh.

It takes a short amount of time , and little effort but it’s worth every! single! second! You add whole milk and water together and put it on the stove on high, then add the chai mix.

Tip: if you’re using a milk substitute, for best results go for something that has a fuller creamier consistency, or higher in fat (for example, Oatly Oat Milk Original, instead of Oatly’s Low Fat Oat Milk). Otherwise, it ends up a bit more watery.

Just as the mixture is about to boil, you let it simmer for 5 minutes. Then, just add sugar to taste and strain (I enjoy it both hot and over ice, because it’s THAT GOOD). See? I told you it was simple.


Now for the most exciting part: taste test! This is the perfect blend of spicy and creamy, without leaning too much either way. I love how the amount of sugar you add is up to you, and also I prefer to add a splash of extra milk when I’m done straining and pouring it into a glass. This is highly addictive, I usually go through the cup so quickly. The ratio of every ingredient is absolutely perfect. I love how you can easily notice the spices, the flavors aren’t muted at all, and you can taste the freshness. This chai just goes to show that quality is key!!

The caffeine buzz from this chai is pretty strong. I mean, I went from napping on the beach to writing this review after drinking one cup so, I think that’s all the explanation needed. It’s a great pick me up at around 3pm where you’re starting to give up on the rest of your day, plus it tastes AMAZING.

Overall: This is my favorite chai of ALL TIME (so far….. ) . Taste, flavor, aroma, and ratio are all spot on, and it offers that boost of caffeine that I love. The flavors all come through, and it tastes great with alternative milks as well! I highly recommend this for anyone who’s a fan of a good cup of chai, even for those who have never tried chai before.


Have you tried The Reluctant Trading Experiment’s Bollywood Theater Masala Chai? Let me know in the comments below what you thought!


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